24 October 2023

World United Nations Day - La Salle-URL

In an increasingly interconnected and complex world, the United Nations faces unprecedented challenges

From climate change to economic inequality to health crises, global challenges demand collaborative and sustainable solutions. In this scenario, higher education plays a key role in preparing future leaders and engaged global citizens.   

La Salle-URL, as a committed educational institution, is at the heart of this mission, training students not only to excel in their careers, but also to address the world's problems with awareness and action, charting a path toward a more just and sustainable world

United Nations aims: Building a Better Future 

The United Nations leads the global fight against climate change, establishing guidelines to reduce emissions and protect the environment, reducing economic and social inequality, among others.  

The main objectives at the UN are: 

  1. Sustaining Peace and Security: The UN works to prevent armed conflicts and to resolve existing ones through mediation and the deployment of peacekeepers in conflict zones.  

  1. Promote Sustainable Development: The UN is committed to poverty eradication, access to education, gender equality, health and environmental protection through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

  1. Protect Human Rights: The UN defends human rights worldwide and works to prevent discrimination, torture, slavery and other violations of fundamental rights.  

  1. International Cooperation: The UN facilitates cooperation and dialogue among member countries to address global issues such as climate change, terrorism and migration.  

  1. Humanitarian Aid: The UN provides humanitarian assistance to populations in crisis, such as refugees and victims of natural disasters or armed conflicts.  

In this regard, La Salle-URL, aware of the importance of these values, educates its students in principles of peace, justice and peaceful conflict resolution. Through academic programs and extracurricular activities, empathy, tolerance and international collaboration are promoted. 

La Salle-URL & UN Goals: Partnership on Change 

From La Salle-URL we want to promote a culture of social responsibility, empowering students to become agents of change in their communities and future professions.  

For this reason, and in line with the goal of reducing economic and social inequality, we provide an inclusive and accessible education, regardless of socioeconomic background, offering scholarships to almost 50% of students.  

Rapid technological advancement also presents unique challenges and opportunities, pointing to the need to use technology to address global problems, from healthcare to natural resource management. La Salle-URL, as an educational institution, prepares its students to lead in the technological field. It fosters innovation, research and the development of sustainable and ethical technological solutions aligned with the goals of the United Nations

La Salle-URL's commitment to the different causes of the UN is reflected in all our areas. A clear example was the reception on campus of the XXI edition of the Triple Helix Conference, an international and multidisciplinary event that explores the interaction between entrepreneurial universities, governments, industry and civil society. Focusing on the role of entrepreneurial universities and their commitment to sustainable development, the conference linked education, research and innovation with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The relationship between the United Nations and La Salle-URL is a prime example of the synergy between education and global action. As the United Nations leads the way to a more just and sustainable world, La Salle-URL prepares its students to walk that path with determination and vision.  

Happy United Nations Day! 

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